Saturday, March 21, 2009

Vaughan Radio

Vaughan Radio es una emisora que te proporciona inglés gratis durante las 24 horas del día.
Dale al play y escríbeme un comentario diciéndome si la escuchas.

Vaughan Radio is a station that gives you free English, 24 hours a day.
Push play and write me a comment saying if you listen to it.


  1. Yes I'm listening to.
    It's right.
    (obanshee ;-))

  2. I'd like to know how you inserted this resource in your blog.
    Thank you!

  3. I read an article in Spanish about the Microsoft Media Player into next page: Multimedia
    Search "lista.asx" and copy the embeded code.
    Now, right click over the Vaughan Radio player. Choose Properties and copy the Location. You must change "lista.asx" with this web page.
    I hope this help you.

  4. Hi again! Thank you for your quick answer.
    Sorry but I think I don't understand your instructions about how to insert the Vaughan radio resource in my blog. I don't know anything about HTLM language, so I followed the instructions in your link, and I inserted this (I'll avoid some symbols in order to be able to publish my comment in your blog):
    EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2"

    Beside SRC=, I inserted the URL location because I can't find any more information in Properties.
    There must be something wrong because it doesn't work.
    Could you please explain it "in plain English"?
    Thank you!

  5. First of all, you've choosen an example of a video player that it'll also running.
    To listen to the radio, it's better this most simple one:
    EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2" SRC="" AUTOSTART=0 WIDTH=287 HEIGHT=65
    I remark you must change each new line by just a blank space.
    Finaly, you must write a < sign before the embedded code and a > after it.
    HTML is the web language and like English language has its rules. Test it and say me what happens!

  6. Thanks to your instructions, the icon is in my blog, but it doesn't sound. You click on PLAY, it says "transfiriendo ..", but when it finishes it doesn't work. :(
    Do you know what can happen?

    Thank you very much anyway!

  7. To know what happens, it's necesary to go to your blog page to study it.
    Anonymous navarrico, could you say me what's your blog?

  8. My blog is:, but I can see the device doesn't work in your blog, either. There must be something wrong, I'm afraid.

  9. Congratulations, I'm listening Vaughan Radio in your Ámbito de la Comunicación blog.

    Sometimes you must to push play button twice when the streaming audio server is busy, but it's normal.

    I've tested your blog with three navigators: Firefox 3.5, Explorer 7.0 and Chrome 2.0 and it's OK!

    I believe that you can have a problem with your Windows Media Player installation. You can try to update it. My test version is 11.0

    Why don't ask you to your pupils if they listen the radio in your blog?

    I hope my blog will continue helping you to prepare your classes.

    Good look navarrica!


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