Englishspeak.com is a free and award winning new system for learning to speak English. The program contains lessons that give special attention to English pronunciation and everyday language. With over 100 lessons, Englishspeak.com provides a large amount of audio content. Users have access to two different speeds of playback for each item.
Website (All content is free):
Learn English
List of lessons:
English Lessons
Sample Lesson:
English Lesson 35 - At the restaurant.
To hear a sentence pronounced, click the sound icon in the audio column.
To hear a word pronounced, place the cursor over a word.
To see the meaning of a word, click on the word.
Choose your language: English - Bahasa Indonesia - Bengali - Burmese - Chin - Deutsch - Español - Français - हिन्दी - Portugues - Pусский - ไทย - Tiếng Việt
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Un discreto mini-ensayo sobre los atajos
POST Nº 726 Confieso que nunca he sido muy fan de los atajos. Mi manera de
ver las cosas tiende a desconfiar de ellos. Tan es así que en mi primer
libro ...
11 hours ago
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