As every Sunday, a book in English and Spanish, to read without leaving the portal.
Como cada domingo, otro libro en versión inglesa y española, para leer sin salir del portal.
Un discreto mini-ensayo sobre los atajos
POST Nº 726 Confieso que nunca he sido muy fan de los atajos. Mi manera de
ver las cosas tiende a desconfiar de ellos. Tan es así que en mi primer
libro ...
Ley del silencio
A pesar de que ha transcurrido casi un siglo del golpe de Estado de 1936,
todavía permanece en lo cotidiano porque no se cauterizó bien la herida y
Problema 2: Errores en la nube de OneDrive
🔝*To translate this blog post to your language, select it in the top left
Google box. *
Este año ha comenzado con dos problemas detectados en Microso...
'King Lear' scene by scene
For 12 podcasts on the all the scenes of* King Lear*, and a downloadable
pamphlet gathering all the transcripts, click here.
Should be of particular int...
Turn the sentences into the PASSIVE voice.
taken from :
El día que conocí a Bin Laden, de Jérémie Dres
Este ha sido el último cómic que leí en el 2024. Me llamó la atención la
premisa, pues trata el tema de ciudadanos occidentales radicalizados, en
este caso...
English Pronunciation Illustrated
This very popular pronunciation practice book is for intermediate and more
advanced students of English who wish to improve their pronunciation and
Seven Mind Mapping Tools to Try This Year
Earlier this week a reader emailed me to ask for my suggestions for online
mind mapping tools for her students to use this fall. My preference is
often to...
Poetry Turing Test
If you've read this blog previously you'll know that I'm both a poet and a
computer scientist. Recently I have been researching the alleged capability
Un buen día de esos que andábamos por el campo jugando entre unos árboles,
divisamos un curioso carromato pintado de colores avanzando por el camino
Parts of the house
This video, made by EasyEnglish, shows the different parts of a house, the
rooms and the objects inside. You can also see our vocabulary list with
What's New - Web Site Redesign
Hi everyone,
Since the fall of 2018, I have been busy in redesigning my Web sites
including and This summer, I will be
Sobre gamificación y este blog
Para los que queráis trabajar con la gamificacíon en el aula y los que ya
estéis trabajando con ella, comparto este artículo con 20 herramientas que
he e...
How To Deal With Accident Injuries Quickly?
All these things you’ll get to know while you have taken the proper course
for first aid Perth. In order to get the right institute, you can search
Present Perfect - Game Ideas
Hi, folks!
Tudo bem, pessoal? Segue mais uma post fantástico com dicas de games para
ensinar o Present Perfect to young learners. Esses jogos foram aplicad...
Unit 4A: Shops
I love shopping! Last week we talked about shopping. If you want to learn
more vocabulary related to this topic, h*ere* you have a list of them and
Year 6
What time is it in other parts of the world?
Watch and find out:
English Word of the Day - Manifesto
Tags: Life in The UK, Government and Politics, General Elections Today's
featured word of the day is manifesto. Follow the links in the tweets
below to le...
Hiatus Interuptus
Hey! Is anybody still out there?
As you may have noticed, I have been on a hiatus for the past several
months. I've been the pretty much sole caretaker f...
Seven years old!
The fact that I haven't been wrting in this blog for a while, doesn't mean
that I lost insterest or gave up blogging. It's simply that I have been
quite bu...
Learning English 2016-2017
*Dear Intermediate students,*
* Complete the form below based on the exercise we did in class. Remember
to click on "enviar" * Loading...
Cómo recuperar la administración de un blog
Un administrador de un blog que ha perdido el acceso por un cambio de
cuenta de correo electrónico lo puede recuperar con los siguientes pasos:
1. Indicar ...
Moving to the Google Developers Blog
For the latest news about developing for Google+, please read the Google
Developers blog. We’ll post all new announcements about the Google+ API,
buttons, ...
That's simply offal!!
Did you know Haggis is illegal to import into the U.S.?
True. At least not the real stuff made with traditional ingredients.
"Livestock lungs shall not be...
Discurso Direto / Direto Indireto
As personagens falam diretamente umas com as outras, em diálogo. Cada fala
constitui um parágrafo, introduzido por um travessão.
Pedro pe...
El teorema del mono infinito
El teorema del mono infinito afirma que un mono pulsando teclas al azar
sobre un teclado durante un periodo de tiempo infinito casi seguramente
podrá escr...
Internet, entertainment or addiction?
Is Internet addiction really a problem?
What do you think?
Which is your use of internet?
Is it more or less addictive than other things such as ...
Apostilas e jogos para datas especiais
[image: halloweenpicboardcapa]
Jogos interativos, jogos de tabuleiro e apostilas relacionados a datas
festivas para alunos de inglês, espanhol e portuguê...
All About Wine
*Idioms with the word Wine*
Wine and dine: to entertain or be entertained with a meal and wine:
We wined and dines them until late into the night.
The cli...
Too late to back down
Oooootra vez. Cuando muchos nos oponíamos diciendo que el proyecto
presentado era mentira, que todo es un sacaperras, que no iba a funcionar,
que nos daban...
A Tribute to Nelson Mandela
I can't remember how often I have talked about Nelson Mandela in my English
classes about the topic "Freedom". This is my humble tribute to a man who
Inventors & Inventions
*Mr Converse invented basketball shoes.*
*A boy called Philo Farnsworth invented the first electronic TV when he was
only 15 years old.*
Kites fly upward
radiating joy.
She cries
as modesty dips
For some, somewhere
it’s early morning sacred dips.
in the m...
Mi post a favor de la LOGSE
*Tras dos años de abandono de este blog, uno más de mi extensa colección
entre blogs de aula y personales, retomo la publicación en festivo porque
así me ...
Halloween 2012
Hi friends! Next week we will be having a great time amongst pumpkins,
witches, vampires, ghosts and all the frightening creatures we can think
of. Here...
*First onto God me, because He give me my health, my food and all the
things necessary. Soon onto my sister Sandra P. because she is...
Digital storytime
I have just discovered Digital Storytime site ... it's a site where you
will find lots of stories for your iPad.
If you click on the following picture, yo...
A Mug Shot We Love
Marcia J. sent along this little beauty: a photo of the foam on her latte
featuring SPOGG's punctuation action figure.
We love it! While it's not *quit...
Exam in March
*Monday, March 5th: Writing, Reading and Listening*
*Wednesday, March 7th: Speaking*
*Monday, March 12th: Speaking*
*Tuesday, March 6th: Writin...
The Best Grammar Blog for Useful Grammar Links
The English You Need Blog has won a prize: "The Best Grammar Blog of 2011
for Useful Grammar Links".
[image: The Best Grammar Blog of 2011 for Useful Gramm...
Fun English for iPad
Fun English for iPad
Fun English is now on the iPad. Yes, and it is still free.
Go and get it here
Here are some screen grabs. It does look a bit like...
aquestos són els blocs de primer de l'any passt
aqueest és el bloc de zineb
[image: Closeup of a flower in the Malibu Can...
I am back!
hello followers and visitors!
I stopped posting for some reason that is not important anymore. The thing
is that this teacher is back!
God gave me th...
HELP: MENTA busca familia URGENTE
Esta preciosidad busca una familia que le quiera. Ahora mismo está en una
casa de acogida y lo está pasando mal porque hay más animales y está muy
Nuevo blog
Tengo este blog un bastante abandonado porque este año no doy clase en el
3º ciclo. Hace poco he empezado a hacer otro nuevo para los peques del 1º
ciclo c...
Mobile Curriculum Vitae (m-CV)
*Mobile Curriculum Vitae* or *m-CV* (
is a Web-based CV offering people a more effective way of CV writing,
editing, ...
Estudando com música
Treine a compreensão do inglês com músicas no Lyrics Training
Se você gosta de estudar inglês com músicas não pode perder a dica de hoje.
O site Lyric...
22frames captioned and subtitled videos
Venice the Series, Season Two. Part Two of Episode One.
Original video: watch it at YouTube
Author comments: No copyright infringement intended.
The sole m...
Sweet. it will be to have the oppportunity to be together, to walk on the
sand, soft sand that caresses your feet.
Enjoy being with you as you become lost ...
Isabel's ESL Site es, sin duda, una de las páginas más completitas que
podéis encontrar con recursos de todo tipo. os recomiendo que os zambulláis
en ella;...
Tus blogueros
Hola Abuela:
Cuanto tiempo...
Tenía ganas de escribir esto pero tambien tenía ganas de no escribir. Este
blog es tuyo y si lo toco es hoy por primera y úl...
Vocabulary Revision
Esta es una página para repasar vocabulario por campos y categorías.
Puedes repasar con listas de vocabulario agrupado por temas y hacer
ejercicios online ...
7th Form /Class
We are now on the 7th Form. Our class name is 7º 4. We have a new blog.
All seventh form classes joined in so we are a big group now!
Check our new BLOG!
Se informa a los docentes inscriptos para cubrir un cargo de PROSECRETARIO/
Nivel Terciario de la Escuela Normal Superior N° 8 el nuevo cronograma de
Canterbury Club President JB & VP Maureen Present
Scruffy Murhpy´s Irish Pub Night
Friday, July 31, 9:45 pm
For Teachers, Students, Friends & Family
Where: M...
At this time you already know what is phonetics and the different organts
that participate in the process of speech production.
Now go to SLIDESHARE and see...
It's time to learn more English out of school, that's why here you have a
blog to practice English by doing more exercises, watching videos, reading
Best Practice of Education2009 Workshop
Last Saturday March 28th Best Practice of Education Conference was held.
The presentations took place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and keynote
speakers ...
Aquí en El Salvador, dicen “Puchica” para exclamar algo bueno o malo. Por
“Puchica que Bonito!” or “Puchica vos! Que feo!”
You can use this W...
English week
English WEEK->
In this week we will do a project about sports or about a country in which
they speak english.
There are two groups of six people and three g...
Downloads for 3.01
Remember if you have questions about the homework contact a classmate or
contact me at or by mobile (442)332-3625.
See you...
Create Thumbnail Albums in Blogger with WLW.
To create thumbnail albums in Blogger posts we create tables and insert
images in each table cell. The process of coding a table in HTML is
cumbersome and...
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