View H1N1 Swine Flu current and future evolution in Google Map.
Click on a map marker to show the legend:
Purple marker is confirmed or probable.
Pink marker is suspect.
Yellow marker is negative.
Fatal cases have no dot into the marker.
27 April 2009 -- The Emergency Committee considered available data on confirmed outbreaks of A/H1N1 swine influenza in the United States of America, Mexico, and Canada. The Committee also considered reports of possible spread to additional countries. On the advice of the Committee, the WHO - World Health Organization Director-General has raised the level of influenza pandemic alert from the current phase 3 to phase 4.
29 April 2009 -- Based on assessment of all available information and following several expert consultations, Dr Margaret Chan, WHO - World Health Organization's Director-General raised the current level of influenza pandemic alert from phase 4 to 5. She stated that all countries should immediately activate their pandemic preparedness plans. At this stage, effective and essential measures include heightened surveillance, early detection and treatment of cases, and infection control in all health facilities.
Phases 1–3 correlate with preparedness, including capacity development and response planning activities, while Phases 4–6 clearly signal the need for response and mitigation efforts.
Jugando al Rabino en Excel - Parte 9
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Parte 9 de un juego del Rabino
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